Originally delivered on 11/25/2024 3:00 pm

SUBJECT: ECLC PTO of Chatham ~ November 25, 2024

Banner logo for PTO of Chatham
Week of November 25, 2024
Turkeys and Taters and Pies, Oh My!

Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? The semester is flying by! Soon it'll be New Year and we'll all be ringing in 2025. Sheesh! Well, despite how time is fleeting, a long holiday weekend is at hand, so take some time to slow down and enjoy the days off with family and friends. And don't forget the annual Wizard of Oz showing—for those of us old enough to remember when you had to wait a whole year to watch it on TV! 

See below for reminders and information on upcoming events. This week is pretty quiet, but next week has more activities to plan for. In the meantime, the PTO wishes all a wonderful Turkey Day, however you celebrate it. Enjoy the last week of November and the kick-off to the holiday season, which we all know is the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade (and some football game, for those who are so inclined). Gobble-gobble, ya'll!

Annual PTO Holiday Gift Fund

Click below to find out how you can celebrate our employees this holiday season!

flyer for annual holiday gift fund - click to go to pay page
Events & Programs
outlines of people dancing with a rainbow disco light shining on them
Upper School Social Next Week!

Friday, December 6, is the next Upper School Social/Dance, with a theme of "Holiday!" Pay at the door for each event students attend, or in advance online.

Lower School Holiday Social & Movie

Click flyer below for link to register/pay.

holiday social flyer - click to access more info and how to pay
PTO Meetings

Anyone can join PTO meetings—7:00 pm, either in person at school (room 101) or hybrid/online.

2024-25 Meetings Remaining:

December 3 — January 14 — February 4 — March 11 — April 8 — May 6 — June 3

We will announce if a meeting will be online only.

multicolored stick figures on a platform, pulling more people on to join them

The link to join online is: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83590217126?pwd=KzM3bVE5bUg5YjhNaUhPZ2t5bzB4Zz0  

Meeting ID: 835 9021 7126
Passcode: 929623
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,83590217126# US
+19292056099,,83590217126# US (New York)

a green chameleon playing a pink guitar next to the words

Join the PTO | JOIN US and help promote and provide activities that help our children lead fuller, happier lives. PTO members receive discounts on all events.

Register on Membership | Create or update your account to get access to all the information and activities you need to know. Update or Add your family's contact info.

Donate Today | Support the programs and events our organization offers. Give today via our online donation page. 

Donate with Box Tops | Sign up for "ECLC Elementary with the Box Tops App to earn money for the school.

a green chameleon playing a pink guitar next to the words
Quick Links
stick figure people with outstretched arms connect to each other in a circle around a globe
screenshot of the My Account section of the PTO home page navigation menu, with Previous Orders option highlighted

Need to know what you've already registered and/or paid for? Just go to "My Account" in the Membership Toolkit navigation menu and select "Previous Orders" for a list of all your past payments.

Questions, comments, or suggestions?
Contact us at PTOChatham@eclcofnj.org

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